
Review of Papersalt Books

"Kitchen Habits" and "Being a Boy" Books

By Jen Schorr October 29, 2013
I am just going to jump right in and say that I am fascinated by these books.  Honestly, they really are straight-forward subjects.  For example, the "Being a Boy" book is filled with pages and pages of things that we want our sons to know.  "Your parents will always be there if you need to talk.  Always."  or "If you're not sure of something, it's okay to ask.  You don't have to guess.  No one expects you to know everything."  These seem like straight-forward things that we would all be teaching our kids anyway, right?  Well, I'll tell you, after reading through this book, it really dawned on me how little I teach things like this to my sons.  Yes, these are all things I want them to know, but does anyone really go up to their 11-year old and say, "Everyone has something to share if you let them.  Include everybody.  Make them feel special, just like you want to feel."  I know I don't.  But I should, and I think this book is a great way to bridge the gap of HOW to say these things (without your sons thinking you're a total dork!).


The "Kitchen Habits" book is a great way to teach table manners, how to set a table, remind everyone to try new foods, how to clean up the table, and more!  With pages filled with things such as, "Wash as you go:  When preparing a meal together, wash items (mixing bowls, spoons) as you go, rather than at the end..." and "Table:  A little less gross tonight.  Sit close enough to the table that any food that drops will land on your plate, and not in your lap or on the floor (practice taking bites over the plate, then leaning back to chew.)" With this book, it's easy to open to one page each night to talk about one of the topics, or better yet practice one of the topics, each night during dinner.  It's a great way for the whole family to be involved and make it seem like you're not "preaching" to your kids about how to act at the dinner table.


I love how sturdy the books are, so they can be read over and over again.  And best of all - they are printed in the U.S.A.!

There is a whole assortment of books available from Papersalt including "Driving Do's & Don't's", "We Do (Things the Family Stands For)", and "Being a New Parent".  With, in my opinion, reasonable prices ranging from $12.95 - $18.75, with the latter of the prices being for journals, these will make some awesome Stocking Stuffers this year! 

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*While Macaroni Kid Reading-Pottstown was provided with the product to try for free, all our thoughts and feelings in this review are truly our own, and Macaroni Kid Reading-Pottstown did not receive compensation for publishing this review.*