
How Jenny Craig Fits Perfectly in My Year of Frugality

By Jennifer Schorr, Publisher of Macaroni Kid Reading March 9, 2020

Thank you Jenny Craig for sponsoring this post. Can a test help you learn how to best lose weight, based on your genetic profile? Try Jenny Craig's most customized plan ever and learn more about how you can best work with your body to lose weight.

At the beginning of the year, I decided resolutions don’t work for me, and I heard about the idea of choosing one word that will be your word for the year. I read through information on various websites and saw lists of words that have been selected by other people. Listen, Intentional, Love, Balance, Focus… all these words are great, but they were not right for what I wanted. Finally, I decided on the word FRUGALITY.

I chose this word because to be frugal it means to waste less, usually in the form of money, but I am choosing to apply it to my whole life. I look at it as spending precious time, money, etc. on the things I WANT to do. Not being excessive or wasteful. Being purposeful in all that I do. So when I was asked to participate in the Jenny Craig Program again, I felt that this was the perfect time. It’s time to be frugal and purposeful about what I am eating.

At first, I was super excited, but then the fear set in. I’ve done this before. I have to go back to the Jenny Craig center and face my consultant, who was super nice and supportive last time. But what happened since I was on the program two and a half years ago? After I lost 16* pounds? (*Avg. weight loss 1-2 lbs/week for members following the program.) I gained it all back… and when I say all, I mean all plus a few extra pounds.

But you know what? I didn’t have to be afraid. When I met with my consultant to get started again, I realized I was the only one focusing on my failure. We talked about how I did on the program last time, what I felt worked or didn’t work. We focused on new goals, talked about the new program they have - the DNA Decoder Plan, and a few changes in the food since the last time I was on the program (the new Cauliflower Fried Rice with Chicken & Vegetables was A-MAZ-ING!).

I am more determined than ever to shed these pounds and keep them off. I know I can do it, I did it before! I plan on setting my goals, sticking with them, and learning along the way, so I don’t make the same mistakes twice. And the food, oh the food is so good! The convenience of having a menu of tasty food to follow, and now an app, too, made the transition back to the Jenny Craig program super easy for me.

You know the saying “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” Well, that’s kind of what this is for me. Gaining my weight back after losing it the first time means that all that hard work was for nothing. It’s not easy to lose weight. Jenny Craig makes it as easy as possible to do it, but you have to want it and you have to want to stick to it. So, follow along with me on my journey and see how Jenny Craig helps me to lead a better lifestyle and can do the same for you.

*This post was sponsored by Jenny Craig, but the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.