
Last chance to help local animal rescues by decorating a tree!

You're invited to decorate a tree for the PHestivaL of Trees, benefiting local animal rescues!

By Jennifer Schorr, Publisher of Macaroni Kid Reading November 12, 2020

Registration to decorate a tree for the PHestivaL of Trees, benefiting local animal rescues is now open!

Anyone can participate and all are welcome!

We are always looking for creative individuals, groups, and organizations to help increase the holiday spirit by decorating a 7.5' supplied tree for the PHestivaL of Trees event!

Creations are considered a donation to the PHestivaL of Trees. Each design will be priced for the public to purchase and proceeds from the sale of each tree will be distributed to local animal shelters. In appreciation for the donation, each designer will receive a complimentary PHestivaL of Trees vehicle pass.

Register now as trees are expected to sell out!

Tree Designers

Trees can be decorated with any style or theme you choose, so let your imagination run wild! Designers will be responsible for providing all decorating and display materials for their tree(s). While we prefer you uniquely decorate your tree, for this year, we will provide an optional decorating service for an additional fee.

PHestivaL of Trees will provide all artificial trees and tree stands (these trees and stands must be used; no substitutions allowed). Tree decorating will take place on-site, Monday November 23, Tuesday November 24, and Wednesday November 25, 2020 at the Fairgrounds at the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center in Oaks.

The registration donation is required for anyone choosing to decorate a tree and must be paid at the time of registration.

Click here for full information & guidelines.

Meet Our Benefactors

The focal point of the event is the display and sale of spectacular holiday trees created by local designers, artists, florists, sports teams, individuals, schools and community groups where the proceeds go to local animal rescues and shelters. Six local animal shelters or rescues will be selected. We are proud to announce the 2020 benefactors: